
Call of duty cold war update today
Call of duty cold war update today

call of duty cold war update today call of duty cold war update today

Addressed a UI error that would sometimes occur when playing Outbreak in splitscreen.Addressed an issue where Combat Record could sometimes appear locked under certain circumstances.Addressed an issue where the visual effect could remain stuck on the player when performing the Soul Torn Finishing Move.Addressed a clipping issue when using the Zombie Head Gesture while using a Sentry Scorestreak.Addressed an issue where Seasonal Progression was showing incorrect Prestige icons.Renamed the Progression tab to Career Progression and added a Legacy Progression tab in Barracks for easier progression menu navigation.Black Ops Cold War Update 1.29 Patch Notes (February 9)īelow you will find the official patch notes for the February 9 Black Ops Cold War update, which brings the game to version 1.028 on PlayStation 5 and 1.29 on PlayStation 4 with the following changes:

Call of duty cold war update today